Friday, January 22, 2010

New year, new music

I keep letting way too much time go in between posts. I'm never going to get anyone to read this thing if I never post updates.
It's a new year. I'm really excited about that. Last year was very much a year of transition, both personally speaking and for the band. We recorded and completed our first cd, which was a year in the making. We went from sketches of songs to selling our music on iTunes. We've made some great friends and contacts, been interviewed, photographed, and played on internet radio. We added new members. Out of last year's small triumphs, we have taken an ambitious approach to 2010. We recently acquired new recording software, 2 new amps, and a gorgeous new acoustic/electric guitar that's going to add to our range of sound. We have rough versions of 5 or 6 new songs ready to mold into a new collection of great music.
I am learning how to play guitar for...about the 3rd time in my life, and this is the first time I've experienced some measure of success. There's a lot to be said for willpower! I'm more driven to do well than I ever have been previously.
We are in the process of learning and rehearsing to start playing live. I can't speak for the others, but I've been performing my whole life, and it's something I'm definitely looking forward to.
Please check out our songs at
Thanks for reading!
Take care,
If Not For Dreaming

Sunday, September 27, 2009

CD and new band members

good evening,

haven't posted anything in a long time, so i figured i'd best be sitting in front of the computer and doing just that.
in addition to our latest recording being on iTunes, we will have physical copies of the CD fairly soon as well. Pat created some beautiful artwork for inside and out, which i can't wait to see on the actual digipack. we have ordered 100pcs, so get 'em while they're hot!
we are honored to introduce Jay Jerz on guitar, Kathy Steahl on drums, and Angie Mariano on bass. our band is complete. our band is rehearsing (and sounding mighty good, may i say!). thanks to them for their hard work and for sharing their talent with us. Angie is in the midst of creating some great t-shirt designs.
we all seem to be energized by this fantastic autumn weather. we are working hard to make a great live show and look forward to performing out as a group.

thanks for listening, thanks for reading.
Amity and Pat
If Not For Dreaming

Thursday, August 27, 2009

steps taken

hi, this is an attempt at a real entry. thanks for reading. we've come so far in a's been sort of agonizing in some ways...feeling like you should be moving along faster than you are, yet knowing that the time taken and attention to detail is going to be rewarding in the end. we've gotten some great rewards lately --- our 6-song album is now available on iTunes, and we've caught the attention of GenXRadio on, who has put our song "Joyous Rush" into their regular daily lineup as well as on their "Generation Now" show for new alt-rock music. we're in the middle of so many projects --- designing our posters, getting our name out there via blogging, myspace, facebook, twitter, fanzines and ezines (both local and international), getting our band ready to go, and writing new material. so as we're in the middle of all that, and trying to find time to eat, sleep, and stay sane/organized, we hope you give us a listen and enjoy what you hear. Thanks and take care, Amity and Pat If Not For Dreaming

Monday, August 17, 2009

Saturday, August 15, 2009

If Not For Dreaming has a new blog!


This is just a quick test blog. We'll be writing more soon!